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2024 PCN Annual Conference

  • 20 May 2024
  • 23 May 2024
  • 121 Camp Young Judea Dr, Wimberley, Texas 78676


  • $200 Registration Fee
    $450 Lodging and Meals
  • $200 Registration Fee
    $500 Lodging and Meals
  • $200 Registration Fee
  • $300 Registration Fee
    $450 Lodging and Meals
  • $300 Registration Fee
    $500 Lodging and Meals
  • $300 Registration Fee
  • *This does not include the registration fee. Register for the conference using the (virtual only) option.

    This rate is for either:
    -Monday evening, after dinner and Tuesday all-day
    -Wednesday all-day and Thursday morning, after breakfast

    Please identify which date you will attend.
  • *This does not include the registration fee. Register for the conference using the (virtual only) option.

    This rate includes:
    -Monday evening (arrive after dinner)
    -Tuesday all-day (includes all meals)
    -Wednesday all-day (includes all meals)
    -Thursday morning (arrive after breakfast)
  • $200 Registration Fee
    $450 Lodging and Meals
    - $50 DISCOUNT
  • $200 Registration Fee
    $500 Lodging and Meals
    -$50 DISCOUNT
  • **Already Paid** Group Registration Fee
    $450 Lodging and Meals
  • **Already Paid** Group Registration Fee
    $500 Lodging and Meals
  • This ticket was created specifically for speakers that will not stay the entire conference.
  • Pediatric Chaplains Institute hosts this 6-hour intensive Monday before the start of the conference.

    Registration of $125 includes Room Sunday Night (5/19/24) + Meals

    Day- Monday, May 20th
    Time- 9am - 4:30pm

Registration is closed

PCN will host a modified hybrid conference this year as we were able to reach more people across the country (and world) who do the amazing work of chaplaincy with children. If you are able to join us in person, we encourage you to choose that option!

We have one registration fee which will get virtual attendees live access to the plenary presentations. 

PCN Members $200

Non-members $300

We want to encourage attendance from multiple members from the same institution. If you have less than ten people from the same institution, it will cost $750. If you have 10 or more registrations from the same institution, it will cost $1000. This is a great option if many of your colleagues want to watch the educational sessions together in a conference room. You will each receive access to the online content and Whova community. Institutions should contact PCN to take advantage of this option.

We are simultaneously having an in-person conference and all of our speakers will be in-person in Wimberley, Texas. If you are planning to join us in person, there are single and double rooms available. Please select the room option appropriate. The center is located at Camp Young Judea, which is near the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport.

Transportation: This year, we will not be providing shuttle service to and from the local airport. Instead, we will work to connect you with other attendees who have volunteered to assist with ride-share opportunities. It will be your responsibility to arrange and confirm those details once we connect you. 

For local attendees that do not need lodging, first register under the Virtual Registration (to avoid lodging rates) then register under the Commuter Rate. Please contact PCN for assistance. 

We have a great slate of presenters with helpful information that is relative to the current challenges for pediatric chaplains. Registration is open.

For those that need a hard-copy registration form per hospital requirements, contact PCN.

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